Hudson FL is a census-designated place in Pasco County, Florida. It is part of the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. The 2010 census recorded a population of 12,158. The city is located about ten miles south of Clearwater, FL.
Hudson is a small city located in Pasco County. It was the first city established in Pasco County. There are three churches in Hudson, one Baptist and one Methodist. Residents of Hudson FL are largely self-employed. There are a handful of businesses that are located in the town. These include a carpenter, a baker, a grower, a carpenter and a general merchandise store.
The median property value in Hudson, FL was $162,300 in 2020. This is 0.706 times lower than the national average. Homeownership rate in Hudson is 73.8% and there are 598 homes for sale in the city. Moreover, a homeowner in Hudson, FL is more likely to own their home. Almost seventy percent of households in Hudson own a home and drive alone to work. The average household owns two cars.
Hudson has a growing number of elderly residents, many of whom are looking forward to retirement. The median age is 58 years old and the median family size is 2.7. Hudson ranks 13300 nationally and 314th in diversity in the state. If you’re thinking about moving to Hudson, it’s important to know the demographics and climate of the city before deciding to relocate there. Learn more
If you have children, a family-friendly hotel in Hudson FL might be a good choice. There’s a pool and fitness center onsite, and Hudson Beach is just 10 minutes away. Whether you’re on vacation with your children or with your whole family, Hudson has something for everyone. You’ll have a blast in this charming community.
Hudson, Florida is located in Pasco County. It is a great place for outdoor enthusiasts, beach lovers, and nature lovers. Residents can enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, and the city’s friendly community will make your trip a success. The area is home to a number of national and international business offices.
There are many factors that contribute to the quality of life in a city. Climate, cost of living, community, job opportunities, and population makeup are just a few. A great city is a subjective thing, but a great city provides what its residents want and need. And if you’re thinking of moving to Hudson, Florida, consider the benefits and drawbacks before you make a final decision.
The Hudson community is located near several state parks. If you’re into sports, Hudson has Veterans Memorial Park. For beach lovers, there’s Robert J. Strickland Memorial Park, which is smaller than nearby beaches. Although the park is smaller, it’s not without amenities. It has a fitness trail, playground, and basketball courts. Click here
Point of Interest #1 Black Dog Tire Service LLC, 8308 New York Ave, Hudson, FL 34667
Point of Interest #2 Airpro Westcoast Air Conditioning Inc, 8423 New York Ave, Hudson, FL 34667
Point of Interest #3 Barrow LP Gas Services Inc, 8202 New York Ave, Hudson, FL 34667
Driving Directions From 1st Choice Roofing To Barrow LP Gas Services Inc